Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A "Dear John" Letter to a Small Town

Dear Nanaimo,

This brief fling is over.

No, don’t worry, I’m not moving back to Windsor... it’s not like that at all... I promise. Please don’t take this personally. You really are lovely and have a lot to offer, but I just need more from life. I mean, what am I getting out of our current arrangement? I feel like you’re holding me back: you don't let me drive, we never go out anymore, and I know you just don’t appreciate all the hard work I put into my career and education... I need a cultured place that can appreciate who I am and help me grow.

I know what you’re thinking, Nanaimo... Hong Kong isn’t right for me. There are too many people who also call Hong Kong home... I’ll never feel special there. It’s busy (will it ever have time for me?), dirty, and we don’t even speak the same language. Yes, Nanaimo, maybe you’re right and it will be a whirlwind affair. It’s just something I need to do. Please understand.

I wish you well. I hope you find someone who can appreciate the bad with the good. Someone who will love your quaint shops, meandering paths, and world class scenery but will also put up with your inadequate hours of business, uphill roads to nowhere, and 8 month rainy season.

I hope you grow to realize all your dreams... become the big city you strive to be... and when you do, give me a call... we’ll see where you’re at and where I’m at.... maybe we can go for a latté.

Very Sincerely,


P.S. Besides, we both know I really left my heart in San Francisco anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Love the letter! Good luck Stephanie! I have a cousin who went to Japan to teach for a few years and REALLY loved it! Hopefully you will enjoy it as well! It will be an amazing experience!

